Allergies Getting Nasty? Here’s Some Help.

Allergies Getting Nasty? Here’s Some Help.

Happy May Day! The beauty of Spring is popping up everywhere, but some of you may not notice it as much if you’re feeling the nasty effects of Spring allergies. Your symptoms could include runny nosy, crazy itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion, itchy throat, or just feeling downright tired. You may have tried every allergy medication, prescription or over the counter, with not much relief, but there is hope for you still.

Spring allergies can be due to imbalanced Wood Rhythm energies which are felt most powerfully during this time of year.  How about trying the below energy medicine technique for allergy symptom relief? It could work for you! There are many options other than medications to treat your allergy symptoms, but since we’re all so different from one another (physically, emotionally, and mentally), you have to find the one that’s right for you. Perhaps this technique is your one! Check it out.

Remember, any of the energy medicine techniques that balance the Wood Rhythm and its related energy pathways (Liver and Gall Bladder) can help relieve your allergy symptoms, so if this one isn’t cutting it for you, be sure to check out my other blog posts I’ve put up since mid-March. You could find your hidden gem within them!

In the meantime, fill out this form to get extra love by becoming part of our energy medicine community.

Love always,
